Doctor Who: History Collection Reprint Series Coming February 2015

The Roundheads (Greyscale)


BBC Books has today revealed that the next in their series of Doctor Who reprints will be historical novels for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th Doctors. The writers of the books range from Mark Gattis to Gareth Roberts to Paul Cornell and many others aside. The range will be published on the 15th of February 2015. Here are the synopsis for the books in chronological order.

The Witch Hunters (by Steve Lyons):

The Reverend Samuel Parris, Minister of Salem, follows three strangers in the forest beyond the village — a forest which is traditionally believed to be the source of much evil. He hears movement through the trees, steps forward and makes a terrible discovery. It is one which will change life in Salem forever.

The TARDIS arrives in Salem Village, Massachesetts, 1692. The Doctor wishes to effect repairs to his ship in peace and privacy, and so his companions — Ian, Barbara and Susan — decide to ‘live history’ for a week or so. But the friendships they make are abruptly broken when the Doctor ushers them away, wary of being overtaken by the tragic events he knows will occur.

Upon learning the terrible truth of the Salem witch trials, Susan is desperate to return — at any price. Her actions lead the TARDIS crew into terrible jeopardy, and her latent telepathy threatens to help the tragedy escalate way out of control…

Featuring the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan, this adventure takes place between The Reign of Terror and Planet of Giants.

The Roundheads (by Mark Gattis):

‘I tell you — we will cut off this King’s head. Aye, with the crown on it!’

It is December 1648. Although victorious over the Cavaliers in the Civil Wars, the Roundheads are struggling to retain power. Plans are afoot to spirit King Charles from his prison, and the Doctor and his companions become embroiled in the intrigue…

Ben finds himself press-ganged and on board a mysterious ship to Amsterdam. Polly is an unwitting accomplice in the plot to rescue the King, and the Doctor and Jamie find themselves arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London under suspicion of conspiracy.

Can the Doctor and Jamie escape, managed to find Ben and Polly and still ensure that history remains on its proper course?

Featuring the Second Doctor, Ben, Polly and Jamie, this adventure takes place between the TV stories The Macra Terror and The Faceless One

Amorality Tale (by David Bishop):

‘Those people that die must die. It’s history, it’s already happened and there’s nothing we can do to prevent it, Sarah.’

East End gangster Tommy Ramsey emerges from prison in 1952, determined to retake control of his territory on the streets of Shoreditch. But new arrivals theaten his grip on all illegal activity in the area.

An evangelical minister at St Luke’s Church is persuading people to seek redemption for their sins. A new gang is claiming the streets for their own. And a watchmender called Doctor John Smith is leading a revolt against the Ramsey Mob’s protection racket.

But when Tommy strikes back against his enemies, a far more terrifying threat is revealed. Within hours the city’s air begins turning into nerve gas and thousands are killed by the choking fumes. London is dying…

This novel features the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.

The English Way of Death (by Gareth Roberts):

An original novel featuring the Fourth Doctor, Romana and K-9.

‘He plans to destroy the world, next Tuesday.’
‘How vulgar,’ replied the Doctor. ‘Nobody does anything of importance on a Tuesday.’

It’s the sweltering summer of 1930, and Londoners are enjoying the heatwave. The Doctor, Romana and K-9 plan to take a rest after their recent adventures, but the TARDIS warns them of time pollution in the locality.

What connects the isolated Sussex resort of Nutchurch with the secret society run by the eccentric Percy Closed? Why has millionaire Hepworth Stackhouse dismissed his staff and hired assassin Julia Orlostro? And what is the truth behind the infernal vapour known only as Zodaal?

The Doctor’s tribulations as he attempts to answer these questions will excite and enthral discerning readers throughout the land.

This adventure takes place immediately after the Missing Adventure The Romance of Crime.

The Shadow of Glass (by Justin Richards and Stephen Cole):

May 17th 1944: A squadron of Hurricanes shoots down an unidentified aircraft over the Dorset village of Turelhampton. A routine operation. So why is the village immediately evacuated?

2001: Troops still occupy Turelhampton, guarding the village’s dark secret. When a television documentary crew break through the cordon looking for a story, they find they’ve recorded more than they’d bargained for.

Meanwhile, in Cornwall, a journalist is witness to a terrifying ceremony: agents of the worst evil in history plan to unleash a new, unthinkable horror on the world.

Caught up in both a deadly conspiracy and historical mystery, retired Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart calls upton his old friend the Doctor. Half-glimpsed demons watch from the shadows as the Doctor and the Brigadier discover the last, and deadliest, secret of the Second World War.

This story features the Sixth Doctor and the Brigadier.

Human Nature (by Paul Cornell): 

‘Who’s going to save us this time?’

April, 1914. The inhabitants of the little Norfolk town of Farringham are enjoying an early summer, unaware that war is on the way. Amongst them is Dr John Smith, a short, middle-aged history teacher from Aberdeen. He’s having a hard time with his new post as house master at Hulton Academy for Boys, a school dedicated to producing military officers.

Bernice Summerfield is enjoying her holiday in the town, getting over the terrible events that befell her in France. But then she meets a future Doctor, and things start to get dangerous very quickly. With the Doctor she knows gone, and only a suffragette and an elderly rake for company, can Benny fight off a vicious alien attack? And will Dr Smith be able to save the day?

The Stone Rose (by Jacqueline Rayner):

Mickey is startled to find a statue of Rose in a museum — a statue that is 2,000 years old. The Doctor realises that this means the TARDIS will shortly take them to ancient Rome, but when it does, he and Rose soon have more on their minds than sculpture.

While the Doctor searches for a missing boy, Rose befriends a girl who claims to know the future — a girl whose predictions are surprisingly accurate. But then the Doctor stumbles on the hideous truth behind the statue of Rose — and Rose herself learns that you have to be very careful what you wish for…

Featuring the Doctor and Rose as played by David Tennant and Billie Piper in the acclaimed hit series from BBC Television.

Dead of Winter (by James Gross):


In a remote clinic in 18th-century Italy, a lonely girl writes to her mother. She tells of pale English aristocrats ans mysterious Russian nobles. She tells of intrigues and secrets, ans strange faceless figures that rise from the sea. And she tells about the enigmatic Mrs Pond, who arrives with her husband and her physician.

What she doesn’t tell her mother is the truth that everyone knows and no one says — that the only people who come here do so to die.

A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.

2 responses to “Doctor Who: History Collection Reprint Series Coming February 2015

  1. Pingback: Thursdays Doctor Who Roundup | Whoogle NEWS·

  2. Pingback: Doctor Who: The History Collection Covers Revealed | The Consulting Detective·

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